WTF are NFT's?

What are NFT's?

WTF are NFT’s

A non-fungible token (or NFT) is a one-of-a-kind token representing a unique digital asset for which there is no copy or substitute. An NFT cannot be substituted for another NFT as each NFT is distinctive and identified by an ID linked to the blockchain.

What is a wallet?

A crypto wallet (ie. Metamask) is just like a real life wallet, in that it holds your funds (crypto) along with your digital assets (NFT’s)

By owning an Ozballer NFT you will have access to;

  • Fractional ownership in a community wallet of high value NFT’s.

  • Private channel for owners to tip on community owned nfteams for a chance to win $10k twice/month.

  • Access to multiple Ozballer Tipping Tournaments with a stack of NFT and Merch giveaways.

  • Access to "owner only" channels getting the drop info, news and happenings in Ozballers first.

How do I buy NFT’s

Ozballers are on the MATIC (Polygon) blockchain, therefore you will need to purchase the NFTs with 'Wrapped Eth on the Polygon chain'.

  • Set up a Metamask account and ensure your physically write down all your passwords especially your seed phrase (this is your only way to recover a lost password)

  • Add cryptocurrency to the wallet (You will need either by card or an exchange such as swyftx or coinbase).